Friday, July 29, 2011

Like I have to explain myself to you people.

Ok let me explain something to all you prospective followers of this blog. I am not a angry or hating person. It's just that 'Oh the little things I hate' has a slightly better ring to it than 'Oh the little things that bother me just enough to start a blog in an attempt to get readers to empathize with my pet peeves'. And besides, the latter isn't even the reason behind this. This blog is a journal of sorts. I created the title topic in a inevitably vain attempt to create some structure for my thoughts to flow through. If you've ever seen a journal of mine (which none of you have), or spent an hour with me, you'll know that my thoughts lack structure, purpose, joie de vivre, or whatever other adjective you can contrive. So you ask yourself, "Why not just write these thoughts on paper? Why a blog?" Save the planet people. Duh. Am I kidding? We may never know. I don't have to explain myself at all, which renders this post inane, but I want to fashion a disclaimer of sorts.
This blog is for me. These are my thoughts. I won't change, censor, adjust, or expurgate them in any way. They are guaranteed to open your mind, and guaranteed to offend. This is nothing more than an attempt to put my thoughts on something a little more tangible. Although it's a webpage. Not so tangible.
So why would you read this? Because you have nothing better to do.

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